shrewlike tenrec

shrewlike tenrec
длиннохвостый тенрек (Microgale)
* * *
длиннохвостый тенрек

English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "shrewlike tenrec" в других словарях:

  • tenrec — /ten rek/, n. any of several insectivorous mammals of the family Tenrecidae, of Madagascar, having a long, pointed snout, certain species of which are spiny and tailless. Also, tanrec. [1720 30; < F < Malagasy tàndraka] * * * ▪ mammal family  any …   Universalium

  • tenrec — ten•rec [[t]ˈtɛn rɛk[/t]] n. mam any shrewlike, usu. spiny insectivore of the family Tenrecidae, of Madagascar • Etymology: 1720–30; < F < Malagasy tàndraka …   From formal English to slang

  • otter shrew — a chiefly aquatic insectivore, Potamogale velox, of western Africa, that resembles an otter, having sleek, brown fur and a flattened tail. Also called potamogale. * * * ▪ mammal  any of three species of amphibious and carnivorous tropical African …   Universalium

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